Today marks one year of sending out my newsletter each week. For the last fifty-two weeks, I have spent time each week brainstorming topics, writing, editing, and packaging a message into an article.
Over this last year, the most important lesson I’ve learned is simply starting when you’re interested in doing something. Sometimes it can be daunting trying something new especially when it’s something public. I remember a few initial concerns that swirled around in my brain when I was considering starting my newsletter like, “What if I’m not a good writer?”, “What if I have nothing to write about?”, and “What if I can’t grow a following?”.
Thankfully, after a year of writing, I can comfortably say that these concerns have been quieted. Through writing articles I’ve improved at writing and crafting a message. From sending out 52 articles, I’ve learned that there’s always something to talk about. And from seeing ~20,000 people subscribe over the last year I’m confident that if you do something well and do it consistently a following is all but guaranteed.
Above all else though, I believe that there’s one consistent thing that holds people back from trying something they’re interested in and that’s the concern of what other people will think of you. And here’s the truth — 99% of other people’s opinions shouldn’t matter to you. In truth, you should probably be able to count on all of your fingers the people whose opinions truly hold weight in your life. This is not to say that you can’t take advice from others or value their insight, but only so many people should have “voting power” on what you do in life.
Someone on X recently asked me about this topic and explained how they’re struggling to start posting content.
Internalizing that most people’s opinions don’t matter is truly one of the most important lessons I believe that someone can learn in life.
Another thing to consider is something called the spotlight effect. The spotlight effect is the tendency to overestimate how much other people notice you. In essence, every individual tends to think about themselves as being on the stage of life and a single spotlight is shining solely on them. But the reality is more that every other person isn’t even in the same theatre as you to begin with i.e. they don’t think about you at all and to you, this should be freeing.
So whatever it is that you’re interested in pursuing I strongly suggest you start on it today. If it’s a big problem, break it up into smaller, more manageable tasks and start with one that you can begin today. One of the best habits you can develop is working consistently towards long-term goals. People tend to overestimate what they can accomplish in a year and underestimate what they can do in five.
If you’re not sure what you’d like to pursue, just choose something. Often you’ll find that gathering momentum, even if it’s in the wrong direction, will help you start veering towards the right one.
As for myself, I’m very glad that one year ago today I tried something new and began writing this newsletter. And to each of the ~20,000 of you thank you for supporting my content and joining along for the ride.
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You are the best!!
Happy anniversary!! Huge deal!!