What is The Software Engineer Weekly?

A weekly newsletter for Software Engineers that includes everything to help you lead a better, healthier, more successful life as a SWE. Every Friday, subscribers will receive new posts distilling some lesson, learning, or experience I’ve had in my career or otherwise in the hopes that it helps you. If that’s of interest to you, feel free to subscribe.


The goals of this newsletter are to:

🤝 Help Software Engineers progress in their career

📚 Share lessons learned through years of experience in the industry

🛠️ Break down complex Software Engineering topics to expedite others’ learning

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Accelerate your software engineering career with weekly tips. Read by engineers at Google, Netflix, Meta, and more. Written by a Software Engineer @ Google.


1st string All-American Copy Paster (Software Engineer) at Google helping others become better Software Engineers. 130k+ subscribers on YouTube, 222k+ followers on LinkedIn, 72k+ followers on X, 7+ friends IRL